Book Review's from Oh My Bookness of The Adventures of Silly Willy Winston by Donna M. Maguire

The Adventures of Silly Willy Winston by Donna M. Maguire

The Adventures of Silly Willy Winston by Donna M. Maguire

  • Publication date: July 17,2015
  • ASIN: B011YGX5F

Book Description:
Silly Willy Winston is a Basset Hound with the biggest ears ever and a super large snout. Sure he trips over his ears at times, which makes him a bit of a clown, but they also give him super powers. Silly Willy Winston puts his big ears and snout to good use. He takes on secret identities like Super Snout, Inspector Snout, Explorer Snout and Pirate Snout to help friends in need. His snout turns frowns upside down when he helps face fears, find missing pets and toys, explore strange places and travel the seven seas. (Young readers ages 6 to 8)

Review By: Brittany Perez 
(Oh My Bookness )
August 11, 2016

In the creation of the Silly Willy Winston series Maguire had plans for her character, such as why she chose a Basset Hound for the hero and a purpose for each story.

Maguire had several goals when creating the series, one was not having the focus on herself but on the important aspect that society today has many of times has turned a blind eye to even though claims are made otherwise. You must be wondering what issue that may be, especially since a few maybe coming to mind as you read what important issue is Maguire focusing on? “ Promoting literacy by helping to nurture a joy of reading through, fun, humerous story telling”. Secondly, “providing a message of love and friendship, not just for others but for the children reading books as well”; but there is one final point that the author wants Silly Willy Winston to help spread the message for. So last but not least, but also has to be one of my favorite ideas/goals/concepts is: “igniting the young readers natural curiosity for the world, the environment and the creatures who inhabit it.”

The basis for the creation of Silly Willy Winston falls to “mans-best friend” or “woman's”, an idea started with Maguire’s own basset. Winston is what you would call the unlikely of hero sorts, but the ones you least expect make one of the best heroes. Once you get to know Winston you see he represents self –acceptance and empowerment. He is your unlikely muse and hero with his big ears , big snouts, stout frame, and large floppy ears that he trips over. With Winston’s height disadvantage,his floppy ears , constant tripping over his large paws and ears, he remains humble and self deprecating. It makes Silly Willy Winston the perfect example of self acceptance and empowerment. Also he is everything you would like to see in a character, you would like your child to read about and not mind your child looking up to.

Silly Willy InThe Adventures of Inspector Snout –The Case of The Missing Tadpole
                       Donna M. Maguire

  • Publication date: August 31, 2015
  • ASIN: B014RC0XWG

Book Description:

Silly Willy Winston uses his super large ears and snout to take on the secret identity of Inspector Snout. He then helps his friend learn that his tadpole is not missing just a bit different. Along the way they learn that many creatures go through changes. They go to bed looking one way and wake up looking and acting very different. Some of the amazing changes they discover include those of caterpillars, honeybees, salamanders, dragonflies and the freakiest of all jellyfish. (Young readers 7 to 8)

Review By: Brittany Perez 
(Oh My Bookness)
August 11, 2016

Welcome to Silly Willy Winston’s next adventure. Welcome to The Case of The Missing Tadpole.

In Silly Willy Winston’s new adventure, Inspector Snout and The Missing Tadpole, we are taken on a whole new adventure and introduced to more ways Winston uses his special gifts. When Silly Willy Winston’s friend is need he uses his special gifts. He uses his ears that stir up lots of smells and his stout snout sifts through them. In a time of need and new adventure , Winston makes the change to inspector. With his full powers of inspector at large he sets off on his mission.

As Inspector Snout heads off to learn about change and transformation, metamorphosis , sea creatures to insects , Billy and Winston go on there next exciting adventure. Little that Billy new his tadpole was not missing at all but just where he left him. Billy learns that the tadpole he had is a amphibian (am-fib-ee-an) and went through a process called metamorphosis (meta-mor-pho-sis). Excited Billy naturally wanted to learn more about others that go through the change. Billy and Winston continue their adventure learning about different insects, crustaceans, and the difference between metamorphous, change, growth, evolving.  He learns that's not all go through the same stages, what their differences are, and what to look for.

Silky Willy Winston in The Adventures of Inspector Snout-The Case of The Missing Tadpole is a simple read but at the same time educational. This picture book teaches values of helping others, nature and nurture, and how different creatures, animals, insects evolve and the phases they go through and what the differences are between metamorphous to just evolving. A pictures book that teaches a young reader about biology and earth sciences in a fun whimsical manner.

Silly Willy Winston in The Adventures of Super Snout-Have No Fear
Donna M. Maguire

  • Publication date: August 21, 2015
  • ASIN: B013F8JNEW

Book Description:
Silly Willy Winston is an ordinary pet with extraordinary adventures. He is a Basset Hound with traits that some people find humorous. These include the biggest ears ever and a super large snout. He is also short and stout. While these traits can make him a bit of a clown at times he thinks he is perfect exactly as he is. The reason is these traits give him the power to find things and solve mysteries super fast. When he puts on his cape and his mask he takes on the identity of Super Snout. As Super Snout he helps friends in need frights into delights and find joy in new adventures. (Young readers 6 to 8)

Review By: Brittany Perez 
(Oh My Bookness)
August 11, 2016

In The Adventures of Silly Willy Winston-HAVE NO FEAR by Donna M. Maguire we follow basset hound Silly Willy Winston on his newest adventure of encouraging, supporting, and concurring fears as well as building confidence along the way. Have NO FEAR! Super Snout Is HERE!

In Winston’s newest adventure he takes on a new secret identity, Super Snout. Super Snout helps his friends learn about new experiences, the environment and themselves. Along the way follow four different children each facing their own challenges, each in a different scenario, each with their own unique (understanding and relatable ) fears and concerns for the individual person. Each discovering something about themselves with renewed confidence. Are first character is Sally, her mother told her she can no longer sleep with the light on or a night light. The only problem is Sally is afraid of the dark which is a com,on fear for children, young adults, even adults.  Sally wants to be s big girl and do what she is told and sleep with the off. The only thing is something is spooky in the dark room with the light bouncing off the walls crating shadows. For Sally overcoming he fears was exciting, by concurring her fears she found a new confidence a confidence she can build upon within herself.

Oh, hear my cry! Silly Willy Winston? Oh, hear thy call, Super Snout! And continue to help those who ask!No matter their circumstances,  learning how to skate, conquering fear of thunder, conquering fear of heights, or overcoming fear of the dark.  Super Snout is their to help.
Whatever, whenever,in each story a similar lesson may there to learn but each area very different at the same time. Silly Willy Winston in The Adventures of Super Snout-Have No Fear shows if you believe in yourself, trust yourself you can conquer your fear of heights, learn to skate, and if once you do not succeed..try and try again. For each circumstance Super Snout helps to build and rebuild confidence, encourage , and reinforce their belief in themselves.
The Adventures of Silly Willy Winston-HAVE NO FEAR by Donna M. Maguire is a must read for children and adults alike. It's a quirky children's book with our protagonist being not just our hero but a stout little basset hound. Winston is educational but fun to read while still keeping it light hearted. Every once in a while we all need a reminder that it is ok to be afraid but we cannot let it rule ourselves. Also with the characters and the story not being very long, it makes a nice but also a book that is enjoyable to look at graphics as well. The only complaint I do have, but also comes more as a suggestion that is a recurring themes through out all the books is the basset hound is crudely drawn while the environment and the other character are cleanly done and rich in color. The basset looks like a after thought and not the primary character of a story that primarily focuses on him. The way he is drawn distracts from the beautifully executed background, environment, characters, and graphics.  The improvement on the basset hound would help to create a well balanced cohesive and ascetically pleasing design and removes distraction from the overall design. 

The Adventures of Silly Willy Winston as Explorer Scout in a Tale of Two Deserts

By: Donna M. Mcguire

  • Publication date: September 24, 2015
  • ASIN: B015T8GE9S

Book Description: 
Silly Willy Winston is a Basset Hound with the biggest ears ever and a super large snout. Yes, he trips over them often which makes him a bit of a clown. However, Silly Willy Winston discovered these unique traits give him super powers. As a steadfast friend Silly Willy Winston uses these super powers to take on secret identities and become an unlikely hero to his friends. As Explorer Snout, Silly Willy Winston takes his BFF Olivia on an adventure through the Mojave Desert. They discover what animals do to survive and they learn just how many different deserts there are in the world, each very different. They decide to explorer the Gobi Desert. Do you want to know why? Because it is where dinosaur eggs were first discovered and can still be found today. During their visit they learn about three rare creatures that exist only there.

Young readers 7 to 8.

Review By: Brittany Perez 
(Oh My Bookness)
August 11, 2016

In The Adventures of Silly Willy Winston as Explorer Snout in a Tale of Two Deserts, by Donna M. Maguire we follow him and his best friend Livi on a exploration pthrough the Mojave desert in Nevada and China and Mongolia to the Gobi desert. Winston goes exploring with his best friend Olivia, exploring and learning the difference between the two deserts.

  Winston took his friend Livi on an adventure that takes place in her back yard of the Mojave desert, then they explore the  Gobi. They both describe the temperature difference between day and night and how water can be found. They talk about what critters they can find and where they can find them. The facts of certain animals are explain, for instance how fast a humming bird’s wing beats per second, I found that fascinating.

Explorer Snout teaches young readers that with all the different critter in the dessert there are also ones that are not so nice. He leads many adventures in the desert filling our curiosity with such desert wonders is exploring two different deserts holds different amazing creatures. It teaches children what critters are safe to explore close up and others far away in a safe distance.

The Adventures of Silly Willy Winston Explorer Snout in a Tale of Two Deserts by Donna M. Mcguire is a educational book for children and adults alike, it teaches us about safety, many facts about the desert, it provides text features, maps and other methods to make it easy to understand in a fun way. Once again it bothers me the appearance of the basset hound, his appearance is off and sloppy for such a beautiful illustration of the other characters and background throughout the entire book.

About the Author

Once upon a time there was a marketing consultant who lived in Philadelphia. Her name was Donna. She lost her nephew, whom she raised as her own after she performed hospice care for her sister. Donna was very sad. But don't you be sad - the story has a happy ending. Donna's daughter Kaitlin introduced her to Winston. Winston is a Basset Hound with the biggest ears you ever saw and a super large snout. Winston tripped over his ears often. This made Donna laugh from the heart. Then something even more magical happened. Her nephew's brother, seeing Donna was still a bit sad, asked her to move to Nevada. There she could help him care for his babies (20 months and four months at the time). So Donna packed up all her stuff and she moved to Nevada with Winston. The grandbabies loved Winston as much as Donna. He made them laugh too! So Donna started to make up stories about Winston. Something magical happened. Donna was happy again. Her passion for life and her creativity came back. So what did Donna do? She started to create children's books to share with her grandbabies. Wait it gets even better. A local author saw her books. He asked, "What do you plan to do with these books?" Donna replied by telling the author she had no plans beyond creating and reading them to her grandbabies. The author told her she should consider publishing them. So she did. To Donna's surprise the books were getting noticed by book reviewers, bloggers and other authors. She was really happy that her books had received over 80 ratings on Amazon and Goodreads. Best of all they have an average 4.6 star rating out of a possible 5. She was the happiest that children were falling in love with her beloved Winston and that parents liked the positive messages.

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